The Raw Emotion of Folk Music

By Aimee Otero

My love for Christian rock music will always be an extreme part of my life. …, but a lot of you may not have known that I also strongly like that all too unmentioned category of Christian music….that genre which many sweep under their feet in belief of it being boring. ..yes, I’m referring to folk music. There is an undeniable honesty in the raw emotion of this genre. Everything is stripped away besides your heart and the sounds of acoustic guitars. This leads me to mention this beautiful song. Josh White questioned Gods love….As the lyrics say, “Will You stay with me when I forget You’re there? Will You still love me when my love lingers elsewhere? ” How many of us have questioned the realness of Gods tangibility? I know that I have. Here is the most amazing Truth…. God truly does care. He is love. …The only true definition of love that cares so much in fact that He chose to create a relationship with each person in this world. When I realized I needed to get rid of lists and do’s and dont’s and just accept His plan for my life, Things gradually began to fit into place. I wasn’t just a random face in a suffocating crowd. I was sought since time began….since existence took form. Wow! What an incredible way to know His tangibility. This song embodies just that. I hope it blesses many.