Slow It Down

Slow It Down – No Lost Cause

By Linda

No Lost Cause with a simple yet profound message delivered in punk rock fashion. In our culture it’s difficult to stop moving. Say no to invitations, push the to-do list aside and just slowing down the pace goes against our grain. It’s these toned down times, though when God can get his message through to us. It’s amazing how he can speak volumes to us in one unhurried day while we can run for a month straight trying to accomplish his will and feel empty and out of touch in the process. How many things do we spend time on that are irrelevant to his plan for us? Rushing through life, we don’t realize the activities that rob us of our joy, peace and from living God’s perfect will. Maybe we need to take more time to slow it down a bit.

What is your go to place when you want to stop and unwind? Is it a place in your home, a bench by the lake, on the beach or a crowded city street where you sit still while everyone else around you keeps on going? Sometimes just sitting still without thinking at all is therapeutic. Other times reading through a book of the Bible all in one sitting listening for God’s voice is revolutionary. When our physical bodies slow down they might enjoy a nap, a relaxing bath or a spa treatment. All of us, soul, body and mind need these slowed down times to refresh, nourish, reboot, retune our minds to God’s purposes and allow these weary bodies to rest. Maybe we need to put these times of refreshing on the calendar along with everything else.

Linda Fau


With a passion for Rock and Roll with a purpose-driven message, I've dedicated myself to providing you with all the best news and resources possible for Rock 'n Roll with a Purpose. Rock on!

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